Is there a way to extend a trait in PHP?

Yes, there is. You just have to define new trait like this:

trait MySoftDeletes 
    use SoftDeletes {
        SoftDeletes::saveWithHistory as parentSaveWithHistory;

    public function saveWithHistory() {

        //your implementation

I have different approach. ParentSaveWithHistory is still applicable method in this trait so at least should be defined as private.

trait MySoftDeletes
    use SoftDeletes {
        saveWithHistory as private parentSaveWithHistory; 

    public function saveWithHistory()

Consider also 'overriding' methods in traits:

use SoftDeletes, MySoftDeletes {
    MySoftDeletes::saveWithHistory insteadof SoftDeletes;

This code uses method saveWithHistory from MySoftDeletes, even if it exists in SoftDeletes.