Is there a way to export a BigQuery table's schema as JSON?

a way to dump schema from an existing table to a JSON file (preferably from the command-line). Is that possible?

try below

bq show bigquery-public-data:samples.wikipedia  

You can use –format flag to prettify output

--format: none|json|prettyjson|csv|sparse|pretty:

Format for command output. Options include:

none:       ...
pretty:     formatted table output  
sparse:     simpler table output  
prettyjson: easy-to-read JSON format  
json:       maximally compact JSON  
csv:        csv format with header   

The first three are intended to be human-readable, and the latter three are for passing to another program. If no format is selected, one will be chosen based on the command run.

Realized I provided partial answer :o)

Below does what PO wanted

bq show --format=prettyjson bigquery-public-data:samples.wikipedia | jq '.schema.fields' 

You can add the flag --schema[1] in order to avoid table data information.

bq show --schema --format=prettyjson [PROJECT_ID]:[DATASET].[TABLE] > [SCHEMA_FILE]

bq show --schema --format=prettyjson mydataset.mytable > /tmp/myschema.json
