Is there a way to disable user-registrations completely in Wordpress?

Tried to find a plugin / SO answer to disable user registration completely (as in: prevent bots from registering accounts when Anyone can register is unchecked).

Couldn't find any, so I made this plugin.

Besides disabling checkbox Settings > General > Anyone can register, you may want to add a simple mod_rewite to your .htaccess @Andrei Gheorghiu is right, Hiding the link to the script does not hide/disable the script.

So, something like that will prevent spam boots to register, return a '403 access denied', and keep your logs lighter

<IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine On
RewriteCond %{THE_REQUEST} ^.*(wp-login.php\?action=register).* [NC]
RewriteRule ^(.*)$ - [F,L]

You can disable your user-registration by routing to Settings > General and then do the following:

Search a checkbox that says “Anyone can register” Uncheck this, so nobody can register on your blog. Now when someone accesses the login page, there will no longer be a “Register” link they can use.

Also if you still want a registration page, that's kind of secure. Look at the following: