Is there a way to check if "increase contrast" is enabled in the accessibility settings in iOS?

As of iOS 8 there is a way to check:

UIKIT_EXTERN BOOL UIAccessibilityDarkerSystemColorsEnabled() NS_AVAILABLE_IOS(8_0);

as of modern iOS:


Apparently there's no public API for checking whether that option is on.

According to the UIKit Function Reference, the only checks you can perform are the following

  • UIAccessibilityPostNotification
  • UIAccessibilityIsVoiceOverRunning
  • UIAccessibilityIsClosedCaptioningEnabled
  • UIAccessibilityRequestGuidedAccessSession
  • UIAccessibilityIsGuidedAccessEnabled
  • UIAccessibilityIsInvertColorsEnabled
  • UIAccessibilityIsMonoAudioEnabled
  • UIAccessibilityZoomFocusChanged
  • UIAccessibilityRegisterGestureConflictWithZoom
  • UIAccessibilityConvertFrameToScreenCoordinates
  • UIAccessibilityConvertPathToScreenCoordinates