Is there a way to call constructor with class instance pointer?

No. You cannot.

Con* c = new Con( 1 );
//c->Con( 2 ); //illegal

You've already called the constructor in the new expression.

By the time you've a valid pointer of type Con*, you've already created an object. And calling constructor on the "constructed" object doesn't even make sense. So why would C++ allow that?

You can only call the constructor when the object is being constructed, hence it's name. Once the object is constructed, I see no reason why you'd want to call it again on the same object. If you want to do something then, you need to call a function defined in that class.

You can actually call it, it is just that the syntax is not that of calling a member method (of which the destructor is an special case), so it is not done with the member access operators. Rather you have to resort to the placement-new syntax:

Con c;
c.~Con();        // destroy, now c is not a Con anymore
new (&c) Con();  // recreate, now c is a Con again

As a particular case, in the C++0x proposal, that is actually used in one of the code examples, providing means to reuse a union as a different type in the event of an union containing non-POD elements:

union U {
   int i;
   float f;
   std::string s;

int main() {
   U u;
   new (&u.s) std::string( "foo" );
   u.i = 5;


It will be easier for you if you don't think of constructor and destructor as a functions, that you call. You don't call them. You can only construct or destruct an object. And, as a part of constructing, constructor body is executed. Same, as a part of object destruction, destructor body is executed.

So you can construct object on the stack

YourClass variable(constructor_arguments);

and it will be destructed automatically when it's out of scope.

You can also create object on the heap

YourClass * ptr = new YourClass(parameters);

To destruct such an object you use operator delete

delete ptr;

You can also construct an object in some memory you provided by yourself (rarely needed)

char * pool = new char[sizeof(YourClass)]
YourClass *ptr = new(pool) YourClass(parameters);

You destruct such an object explicitely and the syntax looks like function invokation, but it's rather an object destruction


After this line your object is no more. Invoking anything on it is an undefined behavior. And you still have to manage the memory you allocated for this object

delete[] pool;

So, your question means 'Why can I explicitely destruct an object to which I have a pointer but I can't construct it'? You can't, because it is already constructed.

You can also read C++ FAQ Lite explanation

