Is there a unix command line tool that can analyze font files?

I think you're looking for otfinfo. There doesn't seem to be an option to get at the Subfamily directly, but you could do:

otfinfo --info *.ttf | grep Subfamily

Note that a number of the fonts I looked at use "Oblique" instead of "Italic".

In Linux, if you have .ttf fonts, you most probably also have fontconfig, which comes with the fc.scan utility. You can parse the output for the information you want, or use the badly documented --format option.

For example:

fc-scan --format "%{foundry} : %{family}\n" /usr/share/fonts/truetype/msttcorefonts/arialbd.ttf

The font properties you can print this way are shown here:

Some properties are listed in multiple languages. For example, %{fullname} may be a list. In that case, %{fullnamelang} will list the languages. If that shows you your language in fourth position in the list, you can use %{fullname[3]} as the format string to print the full name in only that language.

This language stuff being quite inconvenient, I ended up writing a full Perl script to list the info I wanted in only one language:


use strict;
my $VERSION=0.1;
my $debug=1;

my @wanted  = qw(foundry family fullname style weight slant width spacing file);
my @lang_dependent = qw(family fullname style);
my $lang = "en";

my $separator = ", ";

use File::Basename;
use Data::Dumper; $Data::Dumper::Sortkeys = 1;

my $me = basename $0;
die "Usage: $me FILENAME\n" unless @ARGV;

my $fontfile = shift;

unless (-f $fontfile) {
    die "Bad argument: '$fontfile' is not a file !\n";

my $fc_format = join( "\\n", map { "\%{$_}" } @wanted );

my @info = `fc-scan --format "$fc_format" "$fontfile"`;
chomp @info;

my %fontinfo;
@fontinfo{@wanted} = @info;

if ( grep /,/, @fontinfo{ @lang_dependent } ) {
    my $format = join( "\\n", map { "\%{${_}lang}" } @lang_dependent );
    my @langs = `fc-scan --format "$format" "$fontfile"`;

    for my $i (0..$#lang_dependent) {
        my @lang_list = split /,/, $langs[$i];
        my ($pos) = grep { $lang_list[$_] ~~ $lang } 0 .. $#lang_list;
        my @vals = split /,/, $fontinfo{$lang_dependent[$i]};
        $fontinfo{$lang_dependent[$i]} = $vals[$pos];

warn Dumper(\%fontinfo), "\n" if $debug;

$fontinfo{'fullname'} ||= $fontinfo{'family'}; # some old fonts don't have a fullname? (WINNT/Fonts/marlett.ttf)

print join($separator, @fontinfo{@wanted}), "\n";