Is there a recursive version of the dict.get() built-in?

@ThomasOrozco's solution is correct, but resorts to a lambda function, which is only necessary to avoid TypeError if an intermediary key does not exist. If this isn't a concern, you can use dict.get directly:

from functools import reduce

def get_from_dict(dataDict, mapList):
    """Iterate nested dictionary"""
    return reduce(dict.get, mapList, dataDict)

Here's a demo:

a = {'Alice': {'Car': {'Color': 'Blue'}}}  
path = ['Alice', 'Car', 'Color']
get_from_dict(a, path)  # 'Blue'

If you wish to be more explicit than using lambda while still avoiding TypeError, you can wrap in a try / except clause:

def get_from_dict(dataDict, mapList):
    """Iterate nested dictionary"""
        return reduce(dict.get, mapList, dataDict)
    except TypeError:
        return None  # or some other default value

Finally, if you wish to raise KeyError when a key does not exist at any level, use operator.getitem or dict.__getitem__:

from functools import reduce
from operator import getitem

def getitem_from_dict(dataDict, mapList):
    """Iterate nested dictionary"""
    return reduce(getitem, mapList, dataDict)
    # or reduce(dict.__getitem__, mapList, dataDict)

Note that [] is syntactic sugar for the __getitem__ method. So this relates precisely how you would ordinarily access a dictionary value. The operator module just provides a more readable means of accessing this method.

A very common pattern to do this is to use an empty dict as your default:

d.get('foo', {}).get('bar')

If you have more than a couple of keys, you could use reduce (note that in Python 3 reduce must be imported: from functools import reduce) to apply the operation multiple times

reduce(lambda c, k: c.get(k, {}), ['foo', 'bar'], d)

Of course, you should consider wrapping this into a function (or a method):

def recursive_get(d, *keys):
    return reduce(lambda c, k: c.get(k, {}), keys, d)