Is there a neater alternative to `except: pass`?

That is exactly how I would write it. It's simple and it makes sense. I see no problem with the pass statements.

If you want to reduce the repetition and you anticipate adding future types, you could roll this up into a loop. Then you could change the pass to a functionally-equivalent continue statement, if that's more pleasing to your eyes:

for getter in (get_random_foo, get_random_bar):
        return getter()
    except IndexError:
        continue  # Ignore the exception and try the next type.

raise IndexError, "No foos, no bars"

Using try, except, pass is acceptable, but there is a cleaner way to write this using contextlib.suppress() available for python 3.4+.

from contextlib import suppress

def get_random_foo_or_bar():
    "Still prefer foos."

    with suppress(IndexError):
        return get_random_foo()

    with suppress(IndexError):
        return get_random_bar()

    raise IndexError("No foos, no bars")

pass is fine (there's a reason it's in the language!-), but a pass-free alternative just takes a bit more nesting:

try: return get_random_foo()
except IndexError:
    try: return get_random_bar()
    except IndexError:
        raise IndexError "no foos, no bars"

Python's Zen (import this from the interactive interpreter prompt) says "flat is better than nested", but nesting is also in the language, for you to use when you decide (presumably being enlightened) that you can do better than that wise koan!-) (As in, "if you meet the Buddha on the road"...).