Is there a neat way to generate the odd set constraints matrix?

Although documentation does not show this particular usage pattern, odd-length subsets can be obtained using the second argument of Subsets:

oddsubsets = Subsets[VertexList[#], {3, ∞, 2}] &;
(* excluded subsets of length 1; change 3 to 1 if you need all odd-sized subsets *)

eVsubsetsM = Function[{g},  Outer[Boole[MemberQ[EdgeList[Subgraph[g, #1]], #2]]&, 
   oddsubsets@g, EdgeList@g, 1]];

Usage example:

g = RandomGraph[{7, 10}, ImageSize -> 400];
ap = eVsubsetsM[g] // ArrayPlot[#, ImageSize -> 50] &;
Row[{g, ap}]

enter image description here


enter image description here

Here is a version that is slightly faster then all the other answers so far:

  g = RandomGraph[{9, 12}]

enter image description here

  nZ = Flatten[
      Position[EdgeList[g], #] & /@ EdgeList[Subgraph[g, #]]] & /@ 
    Select[Subsets[VertexList[g]], Length@# > 1 && OddQ@Length@# &];
  nZ = Flatten@Table[{n, #} -> 1 & /@ nZ[[n]], {n, 1, Length@nZ}];


(*paw:*)      0.028285  
(*Han Xiao:*) 0.034661  
(*ubpdqn:*)   0.083890
(*kguler:*)   0.164534

This is ugly cf @kguler and other answers

fun[gr_] := 
 Module[{el, vl, sub, 
   f = Function[{x, y}, 
     1 - Unitize[Norm[# - Sort@x] & /@ (Sort /@ List @@@ y)]], subg, 
  el = EdgeList[gr];
  vl = VertexList[gr];
  sub = Subsets[vl, {1,Infinity,2}];
  subg = List @@@ EdgeList[Subgraph[gr, #]] & /@ sub;
  res = If[# == {}, ConstantArray[0, {Length@el}], 
      Total@Map[Function[x, f[x, el]], #]] & /@ subg;
  TableForm[res, TableHeadings -> {sub, el}]

e.g g=

enter image description here

fun[g] yields:

enter image description here