Is there a native tool for parsing xml files available on RedHat?

If, given this XML

$ cat a.xml

You want to be able to do

$ ./xpath //a/b a.xml

then you could just cut & paste this:

$ cat xpath
use strict;
use warnings;
use XML::LibXML;

my $parser = XML::LibXML->new();
my $document = $parser->parse_file($ARGV[1]);
my @nodes = $document->findnodes($ARGV[0]);
for my $node (@nodes) {
  print $node->textContent, "\n";

You should be able to install the XML::LibXML module using perl -MCPAN -e 'install XML::LibXML'

Try xmllint and the --xpath option:


$ xmllint --xpath '//hello/text()'

xsltproc (command line interface to libxslt) is always available on RHEL.
usage: xsltproc xsl_stylesheet xml_file.