Is there a markdown "rich text" editor?

Typora markdown editor supports images, headers, lists, tables, code fences, mathematics, diagrams, inline styles, etc. If you also have the pandoc package installed ( sudo apt install pandoc ) you can export documents from Typora in several common document formats.

To install the Typora snap package open the terminal and type:

sudo snap install typora-alanzanattadev

Typora can also make three different types of diagrams like this flowchart for example.


Mark Text is distributed in Linux as an appimage. Mark Text is better than Typora at accurately capturing everything on a webpage and Typora has a more user-friendly editor, so I use both applications. I use Mark Text as a webpage grabber, and then I copy/paste the markdown text I captured into Typora and use Typora to edit it.

I would prefer using VSCode itself with the extension Markdown All in One to get my job done. Here you can use the keyboard shortcuts such as Ctrl + B for bold and Ctrl + I for italics and at the same time see the live preview on the right side.

Here is how it looks in the VSCode: - enter image description here

and the extension is

enter image description here

Marktext would be the best choice.

Just press @ and it will help you create tables, etc, even flowcharts very easily:

enter image description here enter image description here enter image description here