Is there a library for Floating Action Buttons (FAB) with Labels?

Nowadays there are available techniques of manipulating behaviour of the view that enable you to program FloatinActionButton as you want and to have joy that you have made it by yourself!

  1. Fade in/out FloatingActionButton while scrolling RecyclerView . DETAILS

  2. Slide down/up , beside it blog says how to:

  3. Expand floatingActionButton and show subFloatingButtons. DETAILS HERE

enter image description here enter image description here

There is to much details, "how to do". Therefore I've attached just links to blogs. Anyway I encourage you guys to take a look at those blogs. You will have total control over your application. Currenty I use all solutions from both blog's. Enjoy!

This feature request ended up being implemented in This includes labels on both the left and right sides.

If you're interested, see the discussion here:

Disclaimer: I haven't used this (yet).

I'd recommend this library over others that I've seen.