Is there a function which instantly tells you whether an element is part of a list?

Since large lists were mentioned, I will provide a custom solution based on hashing, as hinted by @rasher, which might be appropriate here. We will construct a precomputed position function, which would return a list of positions for a given element, and an empty list if there are none:

makePositionFunction[lst_List] :=
      rules = 
             #[[1, 1]] -> #[[All, 2]] & /@ 
                 GatherBy[Transpose[{#, Range[Length[#]]}] &@lst, First], 
             _ -> {}
      Function[elem, elem /. rules]

Here is an example of use:

tst  = RandomInteger[15, 15]

(* {0, 9, 14, 13, 1, 14, 10, 4, 6, 11, 14, 4, 8, 9, 1} *)

We construct a position function:

pf = makePositionFunction[tst];

And now use it:


(* {5, 15} *)


(* {} *)

Here is a power test

lrgTest = RandomInteger[100000,{100000}];
pfl = makePositionFunction[lrgTest];

Here we find positions of all numbers in range, in one go:


(* {0.255559,{{40535},{65319,80798},{27408},{84197},<<99992>>,{},{},{59995},{}}} *)

Note that it takes time to construct this function, so it will only make sense if you intend to query your list many times.

What I personally found interesting is that the above code based on Dispatch is about 4 times faster than the code based on compiled (to MVM target) binary search with inlined list ordering and original list (which I do not post here), which was a bit surprising for me. Perhaps, with the C target and additional vectorization over the searched elements, it could beat Dispatch, but my point is that Dispatch is pretty efficient.

Yes. You are looking for MemberQ.

Position will tell you the indexes of all occurrences of the element.

In M11.1+ (perhaps earlier as well) you can use Nearest to test multiple elements at once. Here is a comparison with @LeonidShifrin's answer:

lrgTest = RandomInteger[100000,{100000}];

r1 = Nearest[lrgTest->"Index", Range[100000], {All, 0}];//AbsoluteTiming

pfl = makePositionFunction[lrgTest]; //AbsoluteTiming
r2 = Map[pfl,Range[100000]]; //AbsoluteTiming

r1 === r2

{0.044715, Null}

{0.191114, Null}

{0.156117, Null}


Almost 4 times faster.