Is there a DBus command to toggle auto-hide on a KDE Plasma panel?

You can do it easily through plasma desktop scripts, like this:

auto-hide on:

var panel = panelById(panelIds[0])
panel.hiding = 'autohide';

auto-hide off:

var panel = panelById(panelIds[0])
panel.hiding = 'none';

The bad news is there is no way to programatically run the script when you want it except perhaps for some kind of keyboard+mouse automation.

The closest you can get (per this discussion on KDE forum) is open the script in desktop console via

qdbus org.kde.plasma-desktop /MainApplication \
    loadScriptInInteractiveConsole /path/to/js/file

There is bug #238817 in KDE Bugzilla filed on this.

As of July 2018, the answer suggested by @che doesn't work.

Here is something that does work though:

qdbus org.kde.plasmashell /PlasmaShell evaluateScript "p = panelById(panelIds[0]); p.height = 32 - p.height;"    

32 is the height I like. Set that to a different number as you like.

Relevant KDE Bug: