Is there a better way to reference something at the end of a block of text?

I suggest the parnotes package. (I also took the liberty to refactor how you are encoding your character information a little bit, which you are free to ignore.)

\documentclass[letterpaper, 12pt]{article}
\usepackage[left= 2.2 cm, right=2.2 cm, top = 2.2 cm, bottom = 2.2 cm]{geometry}

%Font stuff here

%Goddamn special notes
notessf,     % default: roman
% breakwithin, % default: paragraph notes

%Goddamn tables.

% etc.

%Load last stuff.

\newcommand{\headfont}{\bfseries\sffamily\color{Maroon}}% <-- whatever you like
\newcommand*{\morph}[1]{{\headfont Morph:} #1}
\newcommand*{\skills}[1]{{\headfont Skills:} #1}
\newcommand*{\implants}[1]{{\headfont Implants:} #1}
\newcommand*{\traits}[1]{{\headfont Traits:} #1}

%% this command assumes each character has exactly the same list of major categories (not sure if this is true...)


{Academics: Linguistics 85, Academics: Neurolinguistics 80, Art:
  Logograms 50, Interests: Accents 60, Interests: Dialects 75,
  Interests: Synthetic Languages 80, Interests: Xenolinguistics 80,
  Interfacing 50, Investigation 50, Language: Native Gaelic 95,
  Language: Any%
  \parnote{Gailteach knows hundreds of human languages and dialects;
    common languages (Arabic, English, French, Hindi, Japanese,
    Mandarin, etc.)  have a typical rating of 75; uncommon languages
    60, and synthetic \& obscure languages (Esperanto, Klingon,
    Sumerian, \&c.) 50.}%
  , Networking: Firewall 25, Networking: Scientists 25, Profession:
  Interpreter 75 Profession: Linguist: 80, Profession: Teacher 60,
  Profession: Translator 65, Research 77%
  \parnote{That is, he hates it, but he knows how to do it.}%
{Basic Biomods, Basic Mesh Inserts, Cortical Stack, Eidetic Memory,
  Hyper-Linguist, Math Boost, Multi-tasking, Oracles}%
{Fast Learner, Mental Disorder (Severe phobia of
  \parnote{And, really, who isn't?}%
  ), Neural Damage
  (Amnesia, Blackouts)}


\chardesc{Menton (without commentary)}%
{Academics: Linguistics 85, Academics: Neurolinguistics 80, Art:
  Logograms 50, Interests: Accents 60, Interests: Dialects 75,
  Interests: Synthetic Languages 80, Interests: Xenolinguistics 80,
  Interfacing 50, Investigation 50, Language: Native Gaelic 95,
  Language: Any, Networking: Firewall 25, Networking: Scientists 25,
  Profession: Interpreter 75 Profession: Linguist: 80, Profession:
  Teacher 60, Profession: Translator 65, Research 77}%
{Basic Biomods, Basic Mesh Inserts, Cortical Stack, Eidetic Memory,
  Hyper-Linguist, Math Boost, Multi-tasking, Oracles}%
{Fast Learner, Mental Disorder (Severe phobia of psychosurgery ),
  Neural Damage (Amnesia, Blackouts)}


Setting things in a minipage (based on a discussion in chat) is also an option, since minipages have their \footnotes grouped at the bottom of them (by default):

enter image description here

\documentclass[letterpaper, 12pt]{article}

\renewcommand\@makefntext[1]{% From article.cls
    \parindent 1em%
    \hb@[email protected]{\@makefnmark\hss}#1}%\hb@[email protected]{\hss\@makefnmark}#1}
  {%\renewcommand{\thefootnote}{\@fnsymbol{footnote}}% Footnotes are symbols
  \let\footnoterule\relax% No footnote rule

\noindent\textbf{Morph:} Menton\\
\textbf{Skills:} Academics: Linguistics 85, Academics: Neurolinguistics 80, Art: Logograms 50,
Interests: Accents 60, Interests: Dialects 75, Interests: Synthetic Languages 80, Interests:
Xenolinguistics 80, Interfacing 50, Investigation 50, Language: Native Gaelic 95,
Language: Any*, Networking: Firewall 25, Networking: Scientists 25, Profession:
Interpreter 75 Profession: Linguist: 80, Profession: Teacher 60, Profession: Translator 65,
Research 77\\
\textbf{Implants:} Basic Biomods, Basic Mesh Inserts, Cortical Stack, Eidetic Memory, Hyper-Linguist, Math Boost, Multi-tasking, Oracles\\
\textbf{Traits:} Fast Learner, Mental Disorder (Severe phobia of psychosurgery), Neural Damage (Amnesia, Blackouts) \\{}
*Gailteach knows hundreds of human languages and dialects; common languages (Arabic, English, French, Hindi, Japanese, Mandarin, etc.) have a typical rating of 75; 
uncommon languages 60, and synthetic \& obscure languages (Esperanto, Klingon, Sumerian, \&c.) 50.


  \textbf{Morph:} Menton \par
  \textbf{Skills:} Academics: Linguistics 85, Academics: Neurolinguistics 80, Art: Logograms 50,
    Interests: Accents 60, Interests: Dialects 75, Interests: Synthetic Languages 80, Interests:
    Xenolinguistics 80, Interfacing 50, Investigation 50, Language: Native Gaelic 95,
    Language: Any\footnote{Gailteach knows hundreds of human languages and dialects; 
      common languages (Arabic, English, French, Hindi, Japanese, Mandarin, etc.) have 
      a typical rating of 75; uncommon languages 60, and synthetic \& obscure languages 
      (Esperanto, Klingon, Sumerian, \&c.) 50.}, Networking: Firewall 25, Networking: 
    Scientists 25, Profession: Interpreter 75 Profession: Linguist: 80, Profession: 
    Teacher 60, Profession: Translator 65, Research 77 \par
  \textbf{Implants:} Basic Biomods, Basic Mesh Inserts, Cortical Stack, Eidetic Memory, 
    Hyper-Linguist, Math Boost, Multi-tasking, Oracles \par
  \textbf{Traits:} Fast Learner, Mental Disorder (Severe phobia of psychosurgery), 
    Neural Damage (Amnesia, Blackouts)

If is also advisable to define a macro that will set the "characteristic titles", since it allows for easy change later. For line spacing adjustment, I suggest adding the setspace package and using \setstretch (say).