Is Python's pipenv slow?

Yes, I've found pipenv's locking and dependency resolution is terrible. For what it's worth, I've moved to just venv and poetry. The poetry github has a section talking about pipenv, and also note that poetry is a little less concerned with your actual virtual environment, and more about dependency management/packaging.

Pipenv is literally a joke. I spent 30 minutes staring at "Locking", which eventually fails after exactly 15 minutes, and I tried two times. The most meaningless thirty minutes in my life.

Was my Pipfile complex? No. I included "flask" with "flake8" + "pylint" + "mypy" + "black".

Every time someone tries to fix the "dependency management" of Python, it just gets worse. I'm expecting Poetry to solve this, but who knows.

Maybe it's time to move on to typed languages for web development.

Long-time ago, it was slow for reason. But now, it is slow for no reason:

Please see this issue, there are a lot of similar issues about that ridiculous locking performance. But as you see, they call it "Enhancement". Well, forgive me, WTF, it is literally a bug.


