Is limit of null-homotopic maps null-homotopic?

I'll provide a general theorem (then one has to apply it to specific circumstances). There is a micro-dictionary/Notation at the bottom of this note.

B-assumption:   Space $\ N\times N\times[0;1]\ $ is normal.

Every metric space $\ N\ $ satisfies B-assumption.

Notation   Let $\ \mathcal W_N\ $ be the set of all closed neighborhoods of diagonal $\ \Delta_N\ :=\ \{(y\ y):\ y\in N\}\ $ in $\ N\times N.$

Family $\ \mathcal W_N\ $ is a basis of all neighborhoods of the diagonal $\ \Delta_N.$

A-assumption:   Space $\ N\ $ is an ANR, meaning that for every normal space $\ X\ $ and closed subset $\ A\ $ of $\ X,\ $ and for every continuous function $\ f:A\to N\ $ there exists a neighborhood $\ U\ $ of $\ A\ $ and continuous $\ F:U\to N\ $ such that $\ F|A=f.$

Thus, $\ N^2\ $ is an ANR too.

Definition:   Sequence $\ f_n:M\to N\ $ is d-convergent to $\ f:M\to N\ \Leftarrow:\Rightarrow $

$$ \forall_{V\in\mathcal W_N}\exists_{m\in\Bbb N} \forall_{n\ge m}\quad (f_n\triangle f)(M)\, \subseteq V $$

Only continuous functions are meant:

THEOREM   Let sequence $\ f_n:M\to N\ $ be d-convergent to $\ f:M\to N.\ $ Then there exists $\ m\in\Bbb N\ $ such that $\ f_n\ $ and $\ f\ $ are homotopic for every $\ n\ge m.$

PROOF   Diagonal $\ \Delta_N\ $ is an ANR because it is homeomorphic to $\ N.\ $ Also, $\ \Delta_N\ $ is closed in $\ N^2\ $ since $\ N\ $ is Hausdorff.  Thus, there exists $\ U\in\mathcal W_N\ $ and a retraction $\ \rho:U\to\Delta_N\ $ (it is an extension of the identity map on $\ \Delta_N.)$

Consider the function $\ g\ $ from a closed subset of $\ N^2\times[0;1]\ $ into $\ N^2\ $ given as follows:

  • $\ \forall_{y\in N^2}\quad g(y\ 0)\ :=\ y; $
  • $\ \forall_{y\in\Delta_N}\forall_{t\in[0;1]} \quad g(y\ t)\ := y; $
  • $\ \forall_{y\in U}\qquad g(y\ 1)\ :=\ \rho(y). $

The arguments of $\ g\ $ belong to the union of three closed subsets of $\ N\times[0;1],\ $ where the three parts of the definition of $\ g\ $ coincide on the overlaps hence $\ g\ $ is well defined. This $\ g\ $ admits an extension $\ G_0\ $ over a closed neighborhood of its closed $3$-part domain. This neighborhood includes $\ V\times[0;1],\ $ where $\ V\subseteq U\ $ is a closed neighborhood of $\ \Delta_N,\ $ because $\ [0;1]\ $ is compact.

Now, by (very elementary and great) Borsuk's homotopy extension theorem, there is homotopy

$$ H:N^2\times[0;1]\to N^2 $$

such that:

  • $\ \forall_{y\in N^2}\qquad H(y\ 0)\ :=\ y; $
  • $\ \forall_{y\in V}\forall_{t\in[0;1]} \quad H(y\ t)\ := G_0(y\ t); $

Let $\ m\in\Bbb N\ $ and $\ n\ge m\ $ be as in Definition. Let homotopies $\ h_n\ h:M\times[0;1]\to N\ $ be given as

$$ h_n\ :=\ \pi'\circ H\circ ((f_n\triangle f)\times\Bbb I );$$ $$ h\ :=\ \pi''\circ H\circ ((f_n\triangle f)\times\Bbb I );$$

where $\ \pi'\ \pi'':N^2\to N\ $ are the canonical projections, and $\ \Bbb I:[0;1]\to[0;1]\ $ is the identity map. We see that:

$$ \forall_{x\in M}\quad h_n(x\ 0)\ =\ f_n(x); $$ $$ \forall_{x\in M}\quad h(x\ 0)\ =\ f(x); $$ $$ \forall_{x\in M}\quad h_n(x\ 1)\ =\ h(x\ 1). $$

Define $\ \gamma_n:M\to Y\ $ by $\ \gamma_n(x):=h_n(x\ 1)=h(x\ 1).\ $ We see that $\ f_n\ $ is homotopic to $\ \gamma_n\ $ is homotopic to $\ f.\,\ $ Remember (observe) that $\ H\ $ in the expressions for $\ h_n(x\ 1)\ $ and $\ h(x\ 1)\ $ is equal to $\ G_0\ $ (we have $\ (f_n(x)\ f(x))\in V).\ $   End of PROOF


  • For functions $\ f:P\to Q\ $ and $\ g:R\to S,\ $ the cartesian product $\ f\times g:P\times Q\to R\times S\ $ is given by $$ \forall_{(p\ r)\in P\times R}\quad (f\times g)(p\ r)\ :=\ (f(p)\ g(r)\,) $$
  • Let $\ P=R\ $ and $\ \Delta_P:=\{(p\ p): p\in P\}.\ $ Then $\ f\triangle g: P\to Q\times S\ $ is given as follows: $$ f\triangle g\ := (f\times g)\circ \delta_P $$ where $\ \delta_P:P\to P\times P\ $, and $\ \forall_{p\in P}\ \delta_P(p):=(p\ p).$

Please see the answer to Annie's question. Non-density of continuous functions to interior in set of all continuous functions