Is it possible to write down a dependent function type in Scala?

Scala does not have polymorphic functions as for example Haskell does. A Function type is always concrete. Only methods can be polymorphic. That does unfortunately mean, that your hypothetical type (x: Foo) => x.Bar is not expressible in Scala.

This becomes obvious when converting generic methods to functions: all type information is lost:

scala> def foo[Bar](x: Bar): Bar = ???
foo: [Bar](x: Bar)Bar

scala> foo _
res1: Nothing => Nothing = <function1>

You might have also noticed that scala does fail to convert methods with dependent types to functions. That is because it is impossible to satisfy your hypothetical type:

scala> def foo(x: Foo): x.Bar = ???
foo: (x: Foo)x.Bar

scala> foo _
<console>:10 error: method with dependent type (x: Foo)x.Bar cannot be converted 
                    to function value.

Also see this and this questions.

There are however several solutions to your Problem. One would be to encapsulate your dependently typed method in a helper trait:

trait FooFunc {
  def apply(x: Foo): x.Bar

def compareOutput(x1: Foo, x2: Foo)(f: FooFunc)(comparer: ...) = {
  val y1 = f(x1)
  val y2 = f(x2)

You could then create instances of FooFunc which you can pass into your compareOutput method.

Scala 3 is expected to be released this year (2020). It will have (already has, in fact) dependent function types, described here in the "Dotty" documentation:

