Is it possible to view multiple Chrome devtools panels at once?

As of Chrome Canary 33.0.1732.0, there's a "Show editor in Drawer" experiment. The editor shows up whenever you hit any anchor to the source code in DevTools. Editor in drawer experiment

I find this limitation frustrating too, all those other monitors are wasted! Here is poor man's solution:

  • launch your chrome with --remote-debugging-port=9999 command line parameter
  • right click on your page to debug and select 'Inspect Element' - this is your debug window #1
  • open a separate chrome window and navigate to chrome://inspect
  • click 'Configure...' and add localhost:9999
  • within a couple of seconds under 'Remote Targets' you should see tabs you can inspect from your other chrome instance
  • click on the tab, and now this is your debug window #2

separate windows chrome developer panels

Unrelated tip: system wide nightmode experience: