Is it possible to test for scrollIntoView browser compatibility?

I found that at least for the WaterFox browser (and likely a few more), scrollBehavior did exist in as Stefan van de Vooren suggests, yet the browser would throw the following error:

TypeError: 'block' member of ScrollIntoViewOptions 'center' is not a valid 
value for enumeration ScrollLogicalPosition.

A simple try-catch statement solved the issue for us:

try {
     behavior: "smooth",
     block: "center"
} catch (error) {
   //fallback to prevent browser crashing

That method is on elements, so you can check document.documentElement.scrollIntoView.

It could also be handy to check if scrollIntoView only support boolean true / false or also supports behaviour for smooth scrolling.

var isSmoothScrollSupported = 'scrollBehavior' in;
if(isSmoothScrollSupported) {
    element.scrollIntoView({behavior: "smooth", block: "end", inline: "nearest"});    
} else {