Is it possible to show `print` output as LaTeX in jupyter notebook?

Here's another solution that let's you include text and math a little easier: Use Markdown with r (so backslashed don't become escape chars) and f string for value insertion.

from IPython.display import display, Markdown

a = 13.49
b = 2.2544223
P = 302.99
V = 90.02

Dims: ${a}m \times{b:5.2}m$

Area: ${P}m^2$

Volume: ${V}m^3$

Use IPython.display's display function with a Math object:

from IPython.display import display, Math
display(Math(r'Dims: {}x{}m \\ Area: {}m^2 \\ Volume: {}m^3'.format(a, round(b,2), P, V)))

Note the use of Latex-style \\ newlines, and the r'' string, which will take the backslashes as literal backslashes and not see them as escape characters.

Found the solution here.