Is it possible to script Minecraft?

In terms of automation, I've found quite a few interesting articles concerning using Autohotkey with Minecraft. Here's a nice forum thread for example. Obviously this isn't enough to react to what's happening in the game, the only way to do that is via a mod (I can't find any scripting mods), but it'll still allow for longer Minecraft sessions before the RSI kicks in.

The only possibility I know of would by Scripting via the mod WorldEdit (available both SSP and SMP via bukkit). It's using JavaScript for Scripts.

You can of course also figure out modding itself, using Java, which allows you to do anything. But be aware that Notch apparently re-obfuscates the code from version to version...

There is no scripting interface for Minecraft, however Notch mentioned he plans to add support for official mods which then you can make Minecraft do whatever you want, even to the point of writing your own scripting engine.