Is it possible to run GNOME 3 on Windows XP/Vista/7?

Linux software cannot run on Windows. Cygwin provides a way to compile software designed for Unix into something that may run on Windows. I've never used it so I can't say what the limitations are, but given the existence of CyGnome I would assume it's possible.

To avoid compiling yourself you could also check out CygWin Ports which says it has a Gnome 3 port, as well as Nautilus, and Empathy. . I've never used it so I don't know the specifics of getting it up and running.

Alteratively you might consider using CyGnome though it's Gnome 1, not Gnome 3. They started a Gnome 2 port project, but it died.

Alternatively you might consider checking out GreenGnome instead. It's a port of Gnome 1 to Windows. The project is long since dead, and was from the XP era. . A long time ago I used this for a bit, and worked nicely.

As of 2016, the default Cygwin64 repositories contains Gnome 3 apps.

I installed these cygwin packages (and their dependencies) and I am now able to use Eye of GNOME 3.18 on Windows 7.

  • eog
  • xinit
  • xorg

First, I open a cygwin bash terminal. Then, I type startxwin and hit enter. Two new tray icons appear. One of them resembles the cygwin logo, but with a green X inside the black C. I left click that tray icon and find Image Viewer on the Graphics menu. When I click that, Eye of GNOME starts. (And the 'auto refresh' feature works.)

Similar Gnome 3 apps probably work in the same way.