Is it possible to populate an S3 bucket through a CloudFormation template?

I'm afraid it's not possible to upload to a bucket created from the same template. However if the bucket is pre-existing, say an account-wide deployment bucket, or one of those cf-templates-... buckets, you've got some options.

  • Upload the auxiliary files using Ansible playbook and in the same playbook create/update the CloudFormation stack. That's a very popular method for CI/CD pipelines. In your Ansible playbook you'll have something like this:

    - name: "Upload files to s3://{{deployment_bucket}}/lambda/"
        bucket: "{{deployment_bucket}}"
        file_root: lambda/
        prefix: lambda/
        permission: private
    - name: "Create CloudFormation Stack"
        stack_name: "some-stack-name"
        state: present
        template: template.yml
          DeploymentS3Path: "s3://{{deployment_bucket}}/lambda/"
  • Let aws cloudformation package zip up and upload the files to S3 and then aws cloudformation deploy create and execute a CloudFormation change set. Again quite a popular method that works well with CI/CD.

    In your CloudFormation template you can then refer to local files like this:

      Type: AWS::Lambda::Function
        Code: lambda/

    And when aws cloudformation package is run it will output a modified template with the code path expanded:

          S3Bucket: cf-templates-1a2b3c4d5e6f-ap-southeast-2
          S3Key: e24e45d4f5f2ab3c5d437659fa2246a7

    You then aws cloudformation deploy this expanded template. Or use some other method for deployment - the template is ready to use.

    The beauty of this package / deploy method is that it handles the upload of local files to S3 for you.

In different projects we use both methods in various CI/CD pipelines and both work great.

Hope that helps :)