Is it possible to pass a password in Maven Deploy in the command line?

The settings.xml is considered personal, so for that reason the username+password are stored in the (user-)settings.xml. So in general there's no reason to pass them as argument. (btw, passwords can be stored encrypted here) The maven-deploy-plugin has no option to pass them via commandline. However, I've seen hacks like:


And now you can do -Dinternal.repo.username=someUser

This also works:


I'll lay out here the full solution, but basically Robert Scholte's solution works brilliant.

In your ~/.m2/settings.xml you should have the following


and then you just

mvn -Drepo.login=someUser -Drepo.pwd=somePassword clean install

You can even use your environment variable (if you are doing that on the remote server/container, for example):

mvn$REPO_ID -Drepo.login=$REPO_LOGIN -Drepo.pwd=$REPO_PWD clean install