Is it possible to mysqldump a subset of a database required to reproduce a query?

mysqldump has the --where option to execute a WHERE clause for a given table.

Although it is not possible to mysqldump a join query, you can export specific rows from each table so that every row fetched from each table will be involved in the join later on.

For your given query, you would need to mysqldump three times:

First, mysqldump all table3 rows with name in ('fee','fi','fo','fum'):

mysqldump -u... -p... --where="name in ('fee','fi','fo','fum')" mydb table3 > table3.sql

Next, mysqldump all table2 rows that have matching table3_id values from the first mysqldump:

mysqldump -u... -p... --lock-all-tables --where="table3_id in (select id from table3 where name in ('fee','fi','fo','fum'))" mydb table2 > table2.sql

Then, mysqldump all table1 rows that have matching table1_id values from the second mysqldump:

mysqldump -u... -p... --lock-all-tables --where="id in (select table1_id from table2 where table3_id in (select id from table3 where name in ('fee','fi','fo','fum')))" mydb table1 > table1.sql

Note: Since the second and third mysqldumps require using more than one table, --lock-all-tables must be used.

Create your new database:

mysqladmin -u... -p... mysqladmin create newdb

Finally, load the three mysqldumps into another database and attempt the join there in the new database.

mysql -u... -p... -D newdb < table1.sql
mysql -u... -p... -D newdb < table2.sql
mysql -u... -p... -D newdb < table3.sql

In mysql client, run your join query

mysql> use newdb
mysql> select, table1.level,, table2.level 
       from table1 join table2 on = table2.table1_id 
       join table3 on = table2.table3_id
       where in ('fee', 'fi', 'fo', 'fum'); 

Give it a Try !!!

WARNING : If not indexed correctly, the second and third mysqldumps may take forever !!!

Just in case, index the following columns:

ALTER TABLE table2 ADD INDEX (table1_id);
ALTER TABLE table2 ADD INDEX (table3_id);
ALTER TABLE table3 ADD INDEX (name,id);

I'll assume id is the primary key of table3.

I would consider using an 'outfile' as part of your SELECT instead of mysqldump to solve this problem. You can produce whatever SELECT statement you want, then append "INTO OUTFILE '/path/to/outfile.csv' ..." at the end with the appropriate configuration for CSV style output. Then you can simply use something like 'LOAD DATA INFILE...' syntax to load the data into your new schema location.

For example, using your SQL:

select, table1.level,, table2.level 
       from table1 join table2 on = table2.table1_id 
       join table3 on = table2.table3_id
       where in ('fee', 'fi', 'fo', 'fum')
INTO OUTFILE '/tmp/fee-fi-fo-fum.csv'

Keep in mind you'll need enough available storage space on the target disk partition.

The mysqldump util has a --tables option that lets you specify which tables to dump. It lets you specify the list of tables.

I don't know of any easier (automated) way.