Is it possible to get more than 100 tweets?

You can't load more than 100 tweet per request but i don't know why you want this, instead you can load all tweets in "Endless page" i.e loading 10 items each time the user scroll a list .

for example

Query query = new Query("stackoverflow");
query.setCount(10);// sets the number of tweets to return per page, up to a max of 100
QueryResult  result =;

now if you want to load the next page simple easy

if(result.hasNext())//there is more pages to load
query = result.nextQuery();
result =;

and so on.

Some Java code that iterates to older pages by using lowest id might look like:

Query query = new Query("test");

int searchResultCount;
long lowestTweetId = Long.MAX_VALUE;

do {
    QueryResult queryResult =;

    searchResultCount = queryResult.getTweets().size();

    for (Status tweet : queryResult.getTweets()) {

        // do whatever with the tweet

        if (tweet.getId() < lowestTweetId) {
            lowestTweetId = tweet.getId();

} while (searchResultCount != 0 && searchResultCount % 100 == 0);

Would need to see your code to provide a code example specific to your case, but you can do this through since_id or max_id.

This information is for the Twitter API.

To get the previous 100 tweets:

  1. find the the lowest id in the set that you just retrieved with your query
  2. perform the same query with the max_id option set to the id you just found.

To get the next 100 tweets:

  1. find the the highest id in the set that you just retrieved with your query
  2. perform the same query with the since_id option set to the id you just found.

In Twitter4j, your Query object has two fields that represent the above API options: sinceId and maxId.

Here is how to get ALL tweets for a user (or at least up to ~3200):

import java.util.*;
import twitter4j.*;
import twitter4j.conf.*;

ConfigurationBuilder cb = new ConfigurationBuilder();

Twitter twitter = new TwitterFactory(;

int pageno = 1;
String user = "cnn";
List statuses = new ArrayList();

while (true) {

  try {

    int size = statuses.size(); 
    Paging page = new Paging(pageno++, 100);
    statuses.addAll(twitter.getUserTimeline(user, page));
    if (statuses.size() == size)
  catch(TwitterException e) {


System.out.println("Total: "+statuses.size());


