Is it possible to estabilish Dedicated Administrator Connection (DAC) using SSMS?

This error occurs when you try to connect to DAC using the right click Connect and the Connect to Server dialog from the Object explorer

However, you can connect to DAC via SSMS by clicking the Database Engine Query button

enter image description here

The Connect To Database Engine dialog will pop out. Type the "admin:" prefix before the server name and you'll be connected to DAC

enter image description here

Hope this helps

You cannot connect the object explorer with the DAC. You need to use a single query window, and you can right-click on it to Connect/Change Connection.

The nature of object explorer is that it uses multiple connections, which is not allowed with the DAC.

Another piece with the DAC, out of the box it only allows local connections (due to security reasons). If you want to be able to connect to the DAC remotely, you need to configure it accordingly:

exec sp_configure 'remote admin connections', 1