Is it possible to emulate the notch from the Huawei P20 with Android Studio

Follow the screen shots.

first make sure 9.0 (api 28) run in your Emulater or testing device.

  1. Open System settings.

enter image description here

  1. Open Developer option (*if u not found developer option please tap 7 times on build number. after that you get developer option.)

enter image description here

  1. Scroll Down Until You Found -> Simulate a Display With a Cutout(click on it)

enter image description here

  1. there is a multiple option to select screen Cutout style.

enter image description here

  1. if you select Tall Display Cutout , your display is like that.

enter image description here

or if you select Double Display Cutout your display like.

enter image description here

So I googled around and it's actually possible to emulate the notch in the developer preview of Android P.

To develope against that, you need to setup an emulator running Android P and then set the notch simulation in the developer settings of android.

Here is the official article to setup that notch simulation in Android P Cutout API

Once that is done you can start testing and adapting to the new changes coming with these notches and Android P.