Is it possible to disable TSLint in tslint.json?

If you don't want any TSLint rules to be enforced and are prepared to edit the tslint.json file, you can just set its content to:


With no rules defined, you will see this message written to the console:

No valid rules have been specified

But the TSLint process with terminate with an exit code of 0 and should not interfere with your build pipeline.

Or, if the message bugs you, define a single rule that's switched off:

{ "rules": { "no-var-keyword": false } }

Using @cartant's answer, I got some annoying output in the console saying something like 'Tried to lint a file, but found no valid/enabled rules...' for every single file in my project.

Anyways, in my tslint.json file, if I changed the extends property:

  "extends": [

to be an empty array:

  "extends": [],

It turned everything off for me and there was no longer any lint related warnings or noise in the console.