Is it possible to determine the individual rgb colors in a color scheme?

"ArmyColors" is a gradient color scheme. You can get the color function with:

ColorDataFunction["ArmyColors", "Gradients", {0, 1}, Blend["ArmyColors", #]& ]

You can use this to get colors for any number of divisions, e.g.:

 ColorData["ArmyColors"] /@ Subdivide[5]

enter image description here

Or if you want RGB values rather than RGBColor expressions:

List @@@ ColorData["ArmyColors"] /@ Subdivide[5]
{{0.45684, 0.59295, 0.506035},
 {0.480465, 0.591726, 0.433138},
 {0.553916, 0.589613, 0.425472},
 {0.594656, 0.556339, 0.43209},
 {0.657761, 0.628066, 0.515469},
 {0.762737, 0.757717, 0.654841}}

For other cases please also see:

  • Extracting unknown ColorFunction from Plot, Plot3D etc

  • Match colors to plot themes

  • How to access new colour schemes in version 10?

