Is it possible to deploy a Node.js application to Heroku without a web dyno?

I ended up opening a helpdesk ticket with Heroku on this one. Got a response from them, so I'll post it here. Thanks Heroku support!

The short answer is that, no, currently you'll need to heroku scale web=0 service=1 in order to run a service without a public web process. For a longer explanation:

Early on, the Node.js Buildpack checked for the presence of a Procfile and, if missing, created a default one with web: npm start. This made it easy to create apps without a web process, since you could just provide a Procfile that defined some processes, omitting web from the list.

However, as more and more users needed arrays of buildpacks instead of a single one, that solution created issues. Node is the most popular first buildpack, since it's frequently used by Java, Python, PHP, and Ruby apps to build front-end assets. Whenever an app without a Procfile ran Node first, and another buildpack second, Node would inject its own default Procfile (web: npm start), and the second buildpack would then not create its default Procfile as one already existed in the filesystem. So injecting a default Procfile when one is missing from the app creates problems downstream for multilingual apps.

So, we stopped creating a default Procfile and instead used default_process_types in bin/release. This fixes the issue of subsequent buildpacks inheriting incorrect default Procfiles, but since default_process_types is extended rather than replaced by the Procfile process list, apps without a web process defined in their Procfile will get the default web process merged in. This is why web appears even without a web entry in Procfile.

We also don't want to surprise any customers with unexpected bills. Some apps have many process types, some of which are only to be run occasionally, some limited to a single instance, some which need to be scaled up and down, etc, so defaulting everything to 1 rather than 0 could cause extra billing as well as app malfunctions. This is why non-web processes are scaled to zero by default.

I just ran into the same problem and worked it around doing this in my Procfile after reading Shibumi's answer:

web: echo "useless"
service: node index.js