Is it possible to check if the user has a camera and microphone and if the permissions have been granted with Javascript?

Live Demo:


If user didn't allow webcam and/or microphone, then media-devices will be having "NULL" value for the "label" attribute. Above page will show this message: "Please invoke getUserMedia once."

PS. You can type "DetectRTC.MediaDevices" in the Chrome Console developers tool.

Note: It works only in Chrome. Firefox isn't supporting similar API yet. (Updated: Firefox supports as well)

Updated at Dec 16, 2015

Note: Following code snippet works both in Chrome and Firefox.

if (navigator.mediaDevices && navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices) {
    // Firefox 38+ seems having support of enumerateDevicesx
    navigator.enumerateDevices = function(callback) {

var MediaDevices = [];
var isHTTPs = location.protocol === 'https:';
var canEnumerate = false;

if (typeof MediaStreamTrack !== 'undefined' && 'getSources' in MediaStreamTrack) {
    canEnumerate = true;
} else if (navigator.mediaDevices && !!navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices) {
    canEnumerate = true;

var hasMicrophone = false;
var hasSpeakers = false;
var hasWebcam = false;

var isMicrophoneAlreadyCaptured = false;
var isWebcamAlreadyCaptured = false;

function checkDeviceSupport(callback) {
    if (!canEnumerate) {

    if (!navigator.enumerateDevices && window.MediaStreamTrack && window.MediaStreamTrack.getSources) {
        navigator.enumerateDevices = window.MediaStreamTrack.getSources.bind(window.MediaStreamTrack);

    if (!navigator.enumerateDevices && navigator.enumerateDevices) {
        navigator.enumerateDevices = navigator.enumerateDevices.bind(navigator);

    if (!navigator.enumerateDevices) {
        if (callback) {

    MediaDevices = [];
    navigator.enumerateDevices(function(devices) {
        devices.forEach(function(_device) {
            var device = {};
            for (var d in _device) {
                device[d] = _device[d];

            if (device.kind === 'audio') {
                device.kind = 'audioinput';

            if (device.kind === 'video') {
                device.kind = 'videoinput';

            var skip;
            MediaDevices.forEach(function(d) {
                if ( === && d.kind === device.kind) {
                    skip = true;

            if (skip) {

            if (!device.deviceId) {
                device.deviceId =;

            if (! {
       = device.deviceId;

            if (!device.label) {
                device.label = 'Please invoke getUserMedia once.';
                if (!isHTTPs) {
                    device.label = 'HTTPs is required to get label of this ' + device.kind + ' device.';
            } else {
                if (device.kind === 'videoinput' && !isWebcamAlreadyCaptured) {
                    isWebcamAlreadyCaptured = true;

                if (device.kind === 'audioinput' && !isMicrophoneAlreadyCaptured) {
                    isMicrophoneAlreadyCaptured = true;

            if (device.kind === 'audioinput') {
                hasMicrophone = true;

            if (device.kind === 'audiooutput') {
                hasSpeakers = true;

            if (device.kind === 'videoinput') {
                hasWebcam = true;

            // there is no 'videoouput' in the spec.


        if (callback) {

// check for microphone/camera support!
checkDeviceSupport(function() {
    document.write('hasWebCam: ', hasWebcam, '<br>');
    document.write('hasMicrophone: ', hasMicrophone, '<br>');
    document.write('isMicrophoneAlreadyCaptured: ', isMicrophoneAlreadyCaptured, '<br>');
    document.write('isWebcamAlreadyCaptured: ', isWebcamAlreadyCaptured, '<br>');

Yes it is quite possible to detect whether a microphone and a camera is available after granting the permission,

navigator.getUserMedia({ audio: true, video: true},function (stream) {
     if(stream.getVideoTracks().length > 0 && stream.getAudioTracks().length > 0){
         //code for when none of the devices are available                       
        // code for when both devices are available

1)You should be using Media Recorder and understand promise

2)Check if browser support the API enumerateDevices

if (!navigator.mediaDevices || !navigator.mediaDevices.enumerateDevices) {
  console.log("This browser does not support the API yet");
3) Check if user has conected audio and camera, the only values are "videoinput", "audioinput" or "audiooutput" DeviceInfo.kind

let checking=["audioinput","videoinput"];
let onlyHas=[];
.then((devices)=> {
  let haveAllDevices=true;
    if(!(device.kind==checking[0] || device.kind==checking[1])){
   //do something about ...
.catch(function(err) {
  console.log( + ": " + err.message);
4)Permissions are reused,it means that if user already has denied permission then when you call getUserMedia the bowser won't prompt anything and will reject the promise promise throwing an error of type DOMException, otherwise it will resolve the promise. When the promise rejects it can be many reasons read, one of then is when user has denied access, when this happens it will throw an DOMException of type NotAllowedError, so for now we are only interested in this error.

If you read DOMException you can see you can acces, this is the one that you should be compared, so:

let constraints={audio:true,video:true};
    {if("NotAllowedError"){console.log("User has denied accessed")}

PS: About cross browser compatibility MediaRecorder as for today 09/06/2018 it is only supported in chrome and firefox, and the brothers IE and IOS don't