Is it possible to bind configuration to stateless/readonly model in .NET Core?

code like this uses underhood the ConfigurationBinder that expects public properties. From BindProperty method:

// We don't support set only, non public, or indexer properties
if (property.GetMethod == null ||
   !property.GetMethod.IsPublic ||
   property.GetMethod.GetParameters().Length > 0)

As a workaround, I may suggest populating your class manually. Take the following as an example:

public class ConnectionStrings
    public ConnectionStrings(string sql, string noSql)
        Sql = sql;
        NoSql = noSql;

    public string Sql { get; private set; }
    public string NoSql { get; private set; }

and then in ConfigureServices method:

var sqlValue = Configuration.GetValue<string>("ConnectionStrings:Sql", string.Empty);
var noSqlValue = Configuration.GetValue<string>("ConnectionStringsApp:NoSql", string.Empty);

           options => new ConnectionStrings(sqlValue, noSqlValue));

As an alternative, for version 2.1+, you can now bind to non-public properties by specifying to do so with BinderOptions:

services.Configure<ConnectionStrings>(options => 
                .Bind(options, c => c.BindNonPublicProperties = true));

or to just get them:

var connectionStrings = Configuration.GetSection("ConnectionStrings")
        .Get<ConnectionStrings>(c => c.BindNonPublicProperties = true);