Is it possible to avoid repeating the class name in the implementation file?

If you want to avoid typing the "Graph::" in front of the printGraph, addEdge etc., then the answer is "no", unfortunately. The "partial class" feature similar to C# is not accessible in C++ and the name of any class (like "Graph") is not a namespace, it's a scope.

I'm guessing this is to avoid lots of "unnecessary typing". Sadly there's no way to get rid of the scope (as many other answers have told you) however what I do personally is get the class defined with all my function prototypes in nice rows, then copy/paste into the implementation file then ctrl-c your ClassName:: on the clip board and run up the line with ctrl-v.

No there's not. Not directly at least. You could go for preprocessor tricks, but don't do it.

#define IMPL Graph::

IMPL Graph(int n){}
void IMPL printGraph(){}
void IMPL addEdge(){}
void IMPL removeEdge(){}

Also, you shouldn't even want to do it. What's the point. Besides it being a C++ rule, it lets you know you're actually implementing a member function.



