is it possibile to open iTerm in current Finder position

Try Something like Go2Shell. The latest update of Go2Shell is five years ago, due to the compatibility problem, I make a similar one with AppleScript.

There are two apps called "Go2Shell" and "ShellHere". Both place a small icon at the top of the finder window. When the icon is clicked a terminal window opens in the same directory as the finder window.


  • Go2Shell can be downloaded from Mac App Store or developer's website. It is possible that you won't be able to install it from Mac App Store, because Go2Shell wasn't updated for a long time.
  • Go2Shell allows users to specify whether to open shell in Terminal or iTerm2.


  • Shellhere can be downloaded from here.
  • ShellHere allows users to open a folder only in uses only MacOS Terminal.

You can right-click on the folder where you want iTerm2 to open, then select Services -> New iTerm2 Tab here.

You can also find other options in the Services menu to open iTerm2 and Terminal.

This was tested on iTerm2 3.x and Catalina and above.

Go to System Preferences -> Keyboard -> Shortcuts -> Services -> Files and Folders and give preferred shortcuts.

The shortcut will open iTerm at the selected folder, instead of from the folder that has been opened.

iTerm2 launch preferences from Finder


