Is it ok to define your own cost function for logistic regression?

The logistic function, hinge-loss, smoothed hinge-loss, etc. are used because they are upper bounds on the zero-one binary classification loss.

These functions generally also penalize examples that are correctly classified but are still near the decision boundary, thus creating a "margin."

So, if you are doing binary classification, then you should certainly choose a standard loss function.

If you are trying to solve a different problem, then a different loss function will likely perform better.

Yes, you can define your own loss function, but if you're a novice, you're probably better off using one from the literature. There are conditions that loss functions should meet:

  1. They should approximate the actual loss you're trying to minimize. As was said in the other answer, the standard loss functions for classification is zero-one-loss (misclassification rate) and the ones used for training classifiers are approximations of that loss.

    The squared-error loss from linear regression isn't used because it doesn't approximate zero-one-loss well: when your model predicts +50 for some sample while the intended answer was +1 (positive class), the prediction is on the correct side of the decision boundary so the zero-one-loss is zero, but the squared-error loss is still 49² = 2401. Some training algorithms will waste a lot of time getting predictions very close to {-1, +1} instead of focusing on getting just the sign/class label right.(*)

  2. The loss function should work with your intended optimization algorithm. That's why zero-one-loss is not used directly: it doesn't work with gradient-based optimization methods since it doesn't have a well-defined gradient (or even a subgradient, like the hinge loss for SVMs has).

    The main algorithm that optimizes the zero-one-loss directly is the old perceptron algorithm.

Also, when you plug in a custom loss function, you're no longer building a logistic regression model but some other kind of linear classifier.

(*) Squared error is used with linear discriminant analysis, but that's usually solved in close form instead of iteratively.