Is it dark outside? Draw a sun map!

Haskell - low quality code

I was extremely tired when I wrote this.

I might have gone too far with projections idea, anyway, here's the projection the program uses. Basically like projecting earth onto a cube and then unfolding it. Besides, in this projection, the shadow is made of straight lines.
The program uses current date/time, and outputs a PPM file on stdout.

import Data.Time.Clock
import Data.Time.Calendar
import Control.Applicative
import Data.Fixed
import Data.Maybe

earth :: [[Int]]
earth = [[256],[256],[256],[256],[64,1,1,2,1,5,14,16,152],[56,19,3,27,1,6,50,1,2,1,90],[53,6,1,11,2,36,26,1,2,1,16,2,1,1,2,1,24,4,66],[47,2,5,14,4,35,22,7,54,2,1,3,60],[38,1,2,2,3,1,6,1,2,1,2,7,6,1,1,33,24,3,3,1,56,2,60],[34,2,1,4,2,1,3,1,1,3,3,2,15,3,3,29,57,5,19,1,2,11,17,1,1,1,34],[40,3,10,2,1,8,16,27,54,3,18,19,18,1,36],[33,6,5,3,2,3,1,3,2,2,1,5,16,21,1,2,53,2,10,1,6,19,1,7,4,3,9,2,33],[32,4,1,7,1,2,3,2,1,1,3,11,14,23,53,2,10,3,1,4,2,33,7,7,29],[8,5,25,10,5,3,2,14,10,2,1,18,1,2,31,6,18,1,7,4,1,60,22],[5,18,2,12,3,5,1,3,2,2,1,3,4,2,3,8,11,18,30,13,9,2,7,3,2,72,1,6,8],[4,36,2,1,1,4,3,7,1,4,3,9,8,15,34,18,2,2,2,17,1,78,4],[4,1,1,27,3,1,1,24,6,3,1,1,1,3,6,13,13,1,20,15,1,4,1,104,1],[3,31,1,24,1,2,4,8,10,9,12,6,18,7,3,7,1,1,2,99,3,2,2],[7,50,2,2,2,1,2,1,3,2,1,2,10,7,15,1,20,7,2,111,7,1],[4,35,1,15,9,1,1,3,4,1,12,5,34,8,3,110,10],[4,9,1,2,1,37,12,6,16,3,34,8,3,96,5,6,13],[6,6,1,1,8,32,12,6,3,1,49,9,4,2,1,86,1,3,4,2,19],[9,2,1,1,11,31,11,11,40,1,8,1,2,4,5,83,12,3,20],[8,1,16,33,9,11,39,2,8,1,2,3,3,83,13,5,19],[28,33,5,12,40,2,7,3,6,62,1,19,13,5,20],[27,36,2,15,34,3,2,2,6,71,1,22,11,2,22],[30,21,1,11,2,16,33,3,1,4,2,72,1,24,1,1,9,1,23],[31,21,1,26,39,4,1,98,1,1,33],[31,42,7,1,40,100,1,1,33],[33,25,2,15,4,4,35,102,36],[33,23,2,1,2,14,8,1,36,27,1,9,1,61,3,1,33],[33,26,5,14,42,10,1,11,2,2,2,7,3,5,1,9,1,44,38],[33,26,1,2,1,9,2,1,45,7,1,2,2,9,8,6,2,6,1,53,4,2,33],[33,26,1,4,1,6,44,8,6,2,3,7,9,5,3,56,1,1,4,3,33],[33,37,45,8,7,2,3,6,2,4,3,6,4,53,43],[33,36,46,6,6,1,4,1,2,2,3,16,3,47,1,5,8,2,34],[34,34,46,7,11,1,3,2,2,16,3,45,6,2,8,1,35],[34,33,48,5,11,1,4,1,4,16,2,49,3,2,6,2,35],[35,32,54,8,17,60,5,2,4,4,35],[36,30,50,12,18,60,8,2,1,1,38],[38,27,50,15,16,61,6,2,41],[38,25,51,18,3,4,6,62,6,1,42],[39,1,1,17,2,3,51,93,49],[40,1,1,11,9,2,49,31,1,10,2,50,49],[40,1,2,9,10,2,48,33,1,10,2,49,49],[41,1,2,8,11,1,47,34,2,10,5,44,50],[42,1,2,7,58,36,1,11,2,1,8,36,51],[46,6,58,36,2,15,7,34,2,1,49],[46,6,12,2,43,38,2,14,7,2,1,12,1,15,55],[46,6,5,2,7,2,41,38,2,14,10,10,4,10,59],[47,6,3,3,10,3,38,37,3,12,11,8,6,9,2,1,57],[49,10,51,38,3,9,13,7,8,9,9,2,48],[51,7,51,40,2,7,15,6,9,1,1,8,8,2,48],[55,7,47,41,1,6,17,4,12,8,8,1,49],[57,5,47,42,1,2,20,4,13,8,9,1,47],[59,3,8,1,38,43,22,4,13,1,2,4,10,2,46],[60,2,6,5,38,41,1,4,18,3,17,3,10,2,46],[61,2,1,1,2,3,1,7,34,45,18,2,18,1,60],[63,1,2,13,33,44,22,1,12,1,16,3,45],[66,14,33,43,22,1,13,1,14,1,1,1,46],[66,18,30,4,1,1,5,30,34,1,2,2,9,3,50],[66,19,43,27,34,2,2,1,7,3,52],[65,20,43,26,36,2,1,2,5,5,51],[65,21,42,24,39,3,4,7,2,1,1,1,1,1,44],[56,1,7,23,41,16,1,6,41,2,4,6,7,1,44],[64,25,39,16,1,5,42,3,4,5,2,1,8,1,2,1,37],[64,29,35,22,43,3,1,1,2,3,2,1,1,1,2,1,1,2,1,7,6,1,27],[63,31,35,20,45,2,11,1,9,7,4,2,26],[64,32,34,19,67,1,2,6,1,2,28],[65,31,34,12,1,6,48,4,18,6,31],[65,31,34,19,54,2,1,2,2,1,10,2,2,1,30],[66,29,36,14,1,3,57,1,19,2,28],[66,29,36,14,1,4,63,1,42],[67,27,36,15,1,4,63,5,3,2,33],[67,26,37,20,5,2,53,2,1,4,4,2,33],[68,25,37,20,4,3,52,9,3,3,32],[70,23,36,20,3,4,53,11,1,4,31],[71,22,37,17,5,4,51,18,31],[71,22,37,16,7,3,50,20,30],[71,21,39,15,6,3,5,1,42,24,29],[71,20,40,15,6,3,47,26,28],[71,17,43,15,6,3,46,28,27],[71,16,45,13,8,1,48,27,27],[71,16,45,12,58,28,26],[71,16,45,12,58,28,26],[70,16,47,10,59,28,26],[70,15,49,9,60,27,26],[70,14,50,7,62,7,6,13,27],[70,13,51,6,63,6,8,1,1,9,28],[70,10,138,10,28],[69,12,139,7,29],[69,11,141,5,19,3,8],[69,8,167,3,9],[69,8,166,1,1,1,10],[70,5,149,2,16,2,12],[69,6,166,3,12],[68,6,166,2,14],[68,5,166,3,14],[68,6,182],[67,6,183],[68,4,184],[68,4,6,2,176],[69,4,183],[70,5,20,1,160],[256],[256],[256],[256],[256],[256],[78,1,1,1,109,1,65],[75,2,115,1,23,1,39],[72,3,80,1,1,5,20,42,32],[74,1,70,1,4,21,5,52,2,1,25],[67,1,2,2,1,4,64,28,4,62,21],[69,9,34,1,1,1,1,1,1,1,2,48,3,69,15],[50,1,5,1,16,5,34,130,14],[32,1,1,2,4,1,3,1,4,29,32,128,18],[20,1,1,54,32,128,20],[17,49,34,137,19],[9,1,2,54,20,4,6,143,17],[16,51,18,5,10,135,21],[11,1,4,54,25,140,21],[12,66,4,155,19],[12,231,13],[0,6,9,5,2,234],[0,256],[0,256]]
main = do
    mapM_ line [0..299]
        header = do
            putStrLn "P3"
            putStrLn "# Some PPM readers expect a comment here"
            putStrLn "400 300"
            putStrLn "2"
        line y = mapM_ (\x -> pixel x y >>= draw) [0..399]
                draw (r, g, b) = putStrLn $ (show r) ++ " " ++ (show g) ++ " " ++ (show b)
                pixel x y = fromMaybe (return (1, 1, 1)) $
                    mapRegion (\x y -> (50, -x, y)) (x - 50) (y - 50)
                    <|> mapRegion (\x y -> (-x, -50, y)) (x - 150) (y - 50)
                    <|> mapRegion (\x y -> (-x, y, 50)) (x - 150) (y - 150)
                    <|> mapRegion (\x y -> (-50, y, -x)) (x - 250) (y - 150)
                    <|> mapRegion (\x y -> (y, 50, -x)) (x - 250) (y - 250)
                    <|> mapRegion (\x y -> (y, -x, -50)) (x - 350) (y - 250)
                        mapRegion f x y = if x >= -50 && y >= -50 && x < 50 && y < 50 then
                            Just $ fmap (worldMap . shade) getCurrentTime
                            else Nothing
                                    t (x, y, z) = (atan2 y z) / pi
                                    p (x, y, z) = asin (x / (sqrt $ x*x+y*y+z*z)) / pi * 2
                                    rotate o (x, y, z) = (x, y * cos o + z * sin o, z * cos o - y * sin o)
                                    tilt o (x, y, z) = (x * cos o - y * sin o, x * sin o + y * cos o, z)
                                    shade c = ((t $ rotate yearAngle $ tilt 0.366 $ rotate (dayAngle - yearAngle) $ f x y)) `mod'` 2 > 1
                                            dayAngle = fromIntegral (fromEnum $ utctDayTime c) / 43200000000000000 * pi + pi / 2
                                            yearAngle = (fromIntegral $ toModifiedJulianDay $ utctDay c) / 182.624 * pi + 2.5311
                                    worldMap c = case (c, index (t $ f x y) (p $ f x y)) of
                                            (False, False) -> (0, 0, 0)
                                            (False, True) -> (0, 0, 1)
                                            (True, False) -> (2, 1, 0)
                                            (True, True) -> (0, 1, 2)
                                                index x y = index' (earth !! (floor $ (y + 1) * 63)) (floor $ (x + 1) * 127) True
                                                        index' [] _ p = False
                                                        index' (x:d) n p
                                                            | n < x = p
                                                            | otherwise = index' d (n - x) (not p)

That's right - triangular where-code, nested cases, invalid IO usage.

Haskell, in the 'because it's there' category

I was curious so I wrote one. The formulas are reasonably accurate[1], but then I go and use some ascii art instead of a proper Plate Carrée map, because it looked nicer (the way I convert pixels to lat/long only works correctly for Plate Carrée)

import Data.Time
m0=UTCTime(fromGregorian 2000 1 1)(secondsToDiffTime(12*60*60))
dark lat long now =
    time=(realToFrac$diffUTCTime now m0)/(60*60*24)
    hour=(realToFrac$utctDayTime now)/(60*60)
    ra=let num=cos(oblqec)*sin(eclong)
           den=cos(eclong) in
       if den<0 then atan(num/den)+pi else atan(num/den)
    gmst =6.697375+0.0657098242*time+hour

td x = fromIntegral x :: Double
pixel p dk=if dk && p`notElem`keep then if p==' ' then '#' else '%' else p
showMap t= do
  let w=length(worldmap!!0)
      h=length worldmap
  putStrLn (worldmap!!0)
  putStrLn (worldmap!!1)
                    lat=(0.5-td y/td h)*pi
                    long=(0.5-td x/td w)*tau
                     putStr [pixel ((worldmap!!(y+2))!!x) (dark lat long t)]) [0..(w-1)]
           putStrLn "") [0..(h-4)]
  putStrLn (last worldmap)

main = do {t<-getCurrentTime; showMap t}

 "180 150W  120W  90W   60W   30W  000   30E   60E   90E   120E  150E 180",
 "|    |     |     |     |     |    |     |     |     |     |     |     |",
 "|          . _..::__:  ,-\"-\"._       |7       ,     _,.__             |",
 "|  _.___ _ _<_>`!(._`.`-.    /        _._     `_ ,_/  '  '-._.---.-.__|",
 "|.{     \" \" `-==,',._\\{  \\  / {)     / _ \">_,-' `                mt-2_|",
 "+ \\_.:--.       `._ )`^-. \"'      , [_/(                       __,/-' +",
 "|'\"'     \\         \"    _L       oD_,--'                )     /. (|   |",
 "|         |           ,'         _)_.\\\\._<> 6              _,' /  '   |",
 "|         `.         /          [_/_'` `\"(                <'}  )      |",
 "+30N       \\\\    .-. )          /   `-'\"..' `:._          _)  '       +",
 "|   `        \\  (  `(          /         `:\\  > \\  ,-^.  /' '         |",
 "|             `._,   \"\"        |           \\`'   \\|   ?_)  {\\         |",
 "|                `=.---.       `._._       ,'     \"`  |' ,- '.        |",
 "+000               |    `-._        |     /          `:`<_|h--._      +",
 "|                  (        >       .     | ,          `=.__.`-'\\     |",
 "|                   `.     /        |     |{|              ,-.,\\     .|",
 "|                    |   ,'          \\   / `'            ,\"     \\     |",
 "+30S                 |  /             |_'                |  __  /     +",
 "|                    | |                                 '-'  `-'   \\.|",
 "|                    |/                                        \"    / |",
 "|                    \\.                                            '  |",
 "+60S                                                                  +",
 "|                     ,/           ______._.--._ _..---.---------._   |",
 "|    ,-----\"-..?----_/ )      _,-'\"             \"                  (  |",
 "|.._(                  `-----'                                      `-|",
 "Map 1998 Matthew Thomas. Freely usable as long as this line is included"]

Example output, from a more interesting time of year (we're near the equinox, so Wander Nauta's rectangular blobs are fairly accurate :) ) - this is for Jan 16 13:55:51 UTC 2014:

180 150W  120W  90W   60W   30W  000   30E   60E   90E   120E  150E 180
|    |     |     |     |     |    |     |     |     |     |     |     |
%#%%%%%%%#######%%%#%%%%%#%%######, [_/(         ##############%%%%%%#%
%%%%#####%#########%####%%#####  oD_,--'            ####%#####%%#%%###%
%#########%###########%%#####    _)_.\\._<> 6        ######%%%#%##%###%
%#########%%#########%######    [_/_'` `"(             ###%%%##%######%
%30N#######%%####%%%#%#####     /   `-'"..' `:._       ###%%##%#######%
%###%########%##%##%%#####     /         `:\  > \  ,-^. #%%#%#########%
%#############%%%%###%%###     |           \`'   \|   ?_)##%%#########%
%################%%%%%%%#      `._._       ,'     "`  |' %%#%%########%
%000###############%####`-._        |     /          `:`<_%%%%%%######%
%##################%####    >       .     | ,          `=.%%%%%%%#####%
%###################%%#    /        |     |{|              %%%%%#####%%
%####################%#  ,'          \   / `'            ,"#####%#####%
%30S#################%  /             |_'                |  %%##%#####%
%####################% |                                 '-'##%%%###%%%
%####################|/                                      ##%####%#%
%####################\.                                       #####%##%
%60S################                                          ########%
%##################   ,/           ______._.--._ _..---.-------%%%%###%
%####%%%%%%%%%%%%%--_/ )      _,-'"             "                ##%##%
%%%%%###########       `-----'                                    ##%%%
Map 1998 Matthew Thomas. Freely usable as long as this line is included

[1] they're the same as you'll find elsewhere, except without the extra work to keep degrees between 0 and 360, hours between 0 and 24, and radians between 0 and 2pi. I think those are holdovers from the days we used slide rules; trig functions work just fine outside those ranges...



Bash, 882* characters

This is my second entry, this time in the Aesthetics, Weird tech, Fun and Short code categories. It's inspired by Ram Narasimhan's entry and Peter Taylor's comment.

The script first generates a low-res texture of the world, bundled as base64-encoded data. It then generates 24 PovRay-scenes containing a sphere with that texture, each one rotated to 'face the sun'. Finally, the frames are combined into a GIF animation using ImageMagick. This means you'll have to have both PovRay and ImageMagick installed for the script to work - feel free to ignore this entry if you think that should disqualify it.

Like Ram's entry, and my first entry, this does not account for seasonal change, which means it's not very precise. It is, however, shorter, prettier and more precise than my first entry - and unlike Ram's entry, the map data and the code for generating the GIF animation are included.

                               echo '
                    iVBO  Rw0KGgoAAAA       NS
              UhE  U g      AAAEgAAAA                     kAQMAAAAQFe4lAAAABlB
    MVEUAFFwAbxKgAD63 AAAA   AWJLR0                  QAiAUdSAAAAAlwSFlzAAALEwAACx
    h4BeYQFBgqAJN8Lh    +r                jBb rArIJHPobgAgkzgeSQkVHT7MWThAHzq44
           /j/jezy6jSH  M6fB           gd  9T Nbxdl99R4Q+XpdNRISj4dlFRCz
            oI11FxIpup4uIRDe5           fokp0Y2W25jQFDfrGNGsDNsoqBaGj34D2
             bA7TcAwnmRoDZM             5tLkePUJb6uIT2rEq7hKaUhUHCXWpv7Q
             PqEv1rsuoc7X              RbV Bn2d   kGTYKMQ3C7H8z2+wc/eMd S
              QW39v8kAAA               AA      SUVOR K5CYII='|base64 \
               -di>t;for                X in     {0..23};do R=$((90-(\
                $X*15)                )); echo "camera{location <0,
                 0,                   -5> angle 38 }    light_source{
                  <0,0,               -1000> rgb < 2,2,   2>} sphere
                    {<0              ,0,0> 1 pigment      {
                      /**/            image_map{\"t\"        map_type
                        1}}                rotate           <0,$R,0>
                        }">s               ;povray             +Is +H300\
                        +Of$X.png          +W400
                        mogrify            -fill                     white    \
                        -annotate           +0+10                    "$X:00" \
                         -gravity           south                    f$X.png
                         done;              convert                -delay     \
                         100                -loop                 0 $(ls f*  \
                         |sort               -V)                  ani.gif

As a bonus, here's a GIF that uses NASA's Blue Marble image instead of the space-saving 1-bit texture, i.e. what the result would have looked like without any size restriction:

*: 882 characters not counting decorative whitespace, 1872 characters total.