Is it almost-prime?

Sagemath, 2 bytes


Outputs via exception.

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The Sagemath builtin \$\text{GF}\$ creates a Galois Field of order \$n\$. However, remember that \$\mathbb{F}_n\$ is only a field if \$n = p^k\$ where \$p\$ is a prime and \$k\$ a positive integer. Thus the function throws an exception if and only if its input is not a prime power.

Python 2, 42 bytes

f=lambda n,p=2:n%p and f(n,p+1)or p**n%n<1

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Since Python doesn't have any built-ins for primes, we make do with checking divisibility.

We find the smallest prime p that's a factor of n by counting up p=2,3,4,... until n is divisible by p, that is n%p is zero. There, we check that this p is the only prime factor by checking that a high power of p is divisible by n. For this, p**n suffices.

As a program:

43 bytes

while n%p:p+=1
print p**n%n<1

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This could be shorter with exit codes if those are allowed.

46 bytes

lambda n:all(n%p for p in range(2,n)if p**n%n)

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Shakespeare Programming Language, 329 bytes

,.Ajax,.Page,.Act I:.Scene I:.[Enter Ajax and Page]
Ajax:Listen tothy.
Page:You cat.
Scene V:.
Page:You is the sum ofYou a cat.
 Is the remainder of the quotient betweenI you nicer zero?If soLet usScene V.
Scene X:.
Page:You is the cube ofYou.Is you worse I?If soLet usScene X.
 You is the remainder of the quotient betweenYou I.Open heart

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Outputs 0 if the input is almost prime, and a positive integer otherwise. I am not sure this is an acceptable output; changing it would cost a few bytes.


  • Scene I: Page takes in input (call this n). Initialize Ajax = 1.
  • Scene V: Increment Ajax until Ajax is a divisor of Page; call the final value p This gives the smallest divisor of Page, which is guaranteed to be a prime.
  • Scene X: Cube Ajax until you end up with a power of p, say p^k which is greater than n. Then n is almost-prime iff n divides p^k.