Is it a code smell to inject a dependency and set one of its members to `this`?

I don't see this particular scenario being too smelly. It's a completely legitimate case to have a circular reference between the component and its dependency. You can make it 100% bulletproof by introducing a factory, it's up to you to judge if there is any benefit in doing so.

public class StreamingSubscriber
    private readonly ILogic _logic;

    public StreamingSubscriber(ILogicFactory logicFactory)
        _logic = logicFactory.Create(this);

    public void OnNotificationEvent(object sender, NotificationEventArgs args)
        // Do something with _logic
        var email = _logic.FetchEmail(args);
        // consume the email (omitted for brevity)

public class ExchangeLogic : ILogic
    private readonly StreamingSubscriber _StreamingSubscriber;

    public ExchangeLogic (StreamingSubscriber subscriber){
       _StreamingSubscriber = streamingSubscriber;

    private void Subscribe()
        // Here is where I use StreamingSubscriber
        streamingConnection.OnNotificationEvent += _StreamingSubscriber.OnNotificationEvent;

    public IEmail FetchEmail(NotificationEventArgs notificationEventArgs)
        // Fetch email from Exchange

I do find the fact that your logic implementation wires up an event directly to its dependency's method more troubling than the whole circular reference issue. I would isolate that so that changes in StreamingConnection don't affect StreamingSubscriber, you can do so with a simple anonymous method like so (you could also remove sender from the signature if you want, half of the time I find I don't need it):

streamingConnection.OnNotificationEvent += (sender, args) => _StreamingSubscriber.OnNotificationEvent(sender, args);

It doesn't strike me as a code smell per se, no.

However, having this work via a setter creates a situation where you could have a timing problem--what if someone calls subscribe and the StreamingSubscriber has not been set yet? Now you have to write code to guard against that. I would avoid using the setter and rearrange it so you would call "_logic.Subscribe(this)".

Yes, this is bad; you are creating a circular dependency.

Generally, not using constructor injection can be considered a code smell, in part because it is impossible for a dependency injection container to satisfy a circular dependency graph when constructors are the only injection points. In this way, constructor injection prevents you from creating situations like this.

Here you are using property injection to make a circular dependency possible, but the prescribed fix for such a code smell is to instead redesign your system to avoid the need for a circular dependency.

The book Dependency Injection in .NET discusses this in Chapter 6: DI refactorings, section 6.3: resolving cyclic dependencies.