Is is_constexpr possible in C++11?

I once wrote it (EDIT: see below for limitations and explanations). From :

template<typename T> 
constexpr typename remove_reference<T>::type makeprval(T && t) {
  return t;

#define isprvalconstexpr(e) noexcept(makeprval(e))

However there are many kinds of constant expressions. The above answer detects prvalue constant expressions.


The noexcept(e) expression gives false iff e contains

  • a potentially evaluated call to a function that does not have a non-throwing exception-specification unless the call is a constant expression,
  • a potentially evaluated throw expression,
  • a potentially evaluated throwable form of dynamic_cast or typeid.

Note that the function template makeprval is not declared noexcept, so the call needs to be a constant expression for the first bullet not to apply, and this is what we abuse. We need the other bullets to not apply aswell, but thanksfully, both a throw and a throwable dynamic_cast or typeid aren't allowed in constant expressions aswell, so this is fine.


Unfortunately there is a subtle limitation, which may or may not matter for you. The notion of "potentially evaluated" is much more conservative than the limits of what constant expressions apply. So the above noexcept may give false negatives. It will report that some expressions aren't prvalue constant expressions, even though they are. Example:

constexpr int a = (0 ? throw "fooled!" : 42);
constexpr bool atest = isprvalconstexpr((0 ? throw "fooled!" : 42));

In the above atest is false, even though the initialization of a succeeded. That is because for being a constant expression, it suffices that the "evil" non-constant sub-expressions are "never evaluated", even though those evil sub-expressions are potentially-evaluated, formally.

As of 2017, is_constexpr is not possible in C++11. That sounds like an odd thing to say, so let me explain a bit of the history.

First, we added this feature to resolve a defect:

Johannes Schaub - litb posted a constexpr detection macro that relied on the provision that constant expressions are implicitly noexcept. This worked in C++11, but was never implemented by at least some compilers (for instance, clang). Then, as part of C++17, we evaluated Removing Deprecated Exception Specifications from C++17. As a side-effect of that wording, we accidentally removed that provision. When the Core Working Group discussed adding the provision back in, they realized that there were some serious problems with doing so. You can see the full details in the LLVM bug report. So rather than adding it back in, we decided to consider it a defect against all versions of standard and retroactively removed it.

The effect of this is that there is, to my knowledge, no way to detect whether an expression is usable as a constant expression.

Yes, this is possible. One way to do it (which is valid even with the recent noexcept changes) is to take advantage of the C++11 narrowing conversion rules:

A narrowing conversion is an implicit conversion [...] from an integer type or unscoped enumeration type to an integer type that cannot represent all the values of the original type, except where the source is a constant expression whose value after integral promotions will fit into the target type.

(emphasis mine). List initialization generally disallows narrowing conversions, and when combined with SFINAE we can build gadgets for detecting whether an arbitrary expression is a constant expression:

// p() here could be anything
template<int (*p)()> std::true_type is_constexpr_impl(decltype(int{(p(), 0U)}));
template<int (*p)()> std::false_type is_constexpr_impl(...);
template<int (*p)()> using is_constexpr = decltype(is_constexpr_impl<p>(0));

constexpr int f() { return 0; }
int g() { return 0; }

Live demonstration.

The key here is that int{(expr, 0U)} contains a narrowing conversion from unsigned int to int (and thus is ill-formed), unless expr is a constant expression, in which case the entire expression (expr, 0U) is a constant expression whose evaluated value fits into the type int.