Is " finished with status: 'crash' " normal for Cloud Functions?

Quite rightly, as alluded to in the Comments, the crash seems buggy about Google Cloud Functions with Python. The issue was reported to the Internal Google Cloud Functions engineers and evaluation is still ongoing. You can monitor this link for fixes

In my case, I was using code like this:

await Promise.all([

Here Promise2 is uploading a file in google bucket but I mistakenly have put dev-gcp.json in .gitignore which ignoring dev-gcp.json(google application credential) on deploying function. This makes an error on google bucket storage when it not able to find dev-gcp.json for authentication. So make sure whatever in the promise is handled properly because some errors are not expected and are not handled.

def wrapper(request):
    except Exception as e:

Also, mark 'wrapper' as function to execute in settings for GCF