Is every compact topological ring a profinite ring?

Every compact topological ring has "enough" open ideals and is thus profinite. See for example Sect. 5.1 in

Luis Ribes, Pavel Zalesski, Profinite Groups, Ergebnisse der Mathematik und ihrer Grenzgebiete, 3. Folge

The earliest reference I could find to the fact that compact Hausdorff rings are profinite (objects in the category of topological rings) is in Johnstone's "Stone Spaces" (VI.4.11 on page 266); in the bibliographical notes on page 269 it is attributed to Kaplansky, "Topological Rings" (Amer. J. Math. 69 (1947) 153-183). Interestingly, Kaplansky himself refers to Otobe ("On quasi-evaluations of compact rings," Proceedings of the Imperial Academy of Tokyo, 20 (1944), pp. 278-282) who in turn refers to Anzai ("On compact topological rings", same Proceedings, 19 (1943), 613-616); and Anzai says he owes the proof of the profiniteness part to Nakayama.

Decided to mention all this since none of the references in answers or comments seem to contain these attributions, except for the comment by Gjergji Zaimi " appears that the result is old and possibly due to Kaplansky, so I'd like to research that a little more."

PS Concerning units - actually Anzai does not require it, the only thing needed is that the zero is the sole element annihilating the whole ring.