Is commit needed after resolving merge conflict during Git rebase?

Here I see

Changes not staged for commit:
  (use "git add <file>..." to update what will be committed)
  (use "git checkout -- <file>..." to discard changes in working directory)

        modified:   br_boss_buha_faktura/valuelists/br_boss_buha_faktura_client.val

Please do

git add br_boss_buha_faktura/valuelists/br_boss_buha_faktura_client.val


git rebase --continue

Some good answers here but to answer the question. NO you do not need to commit after resolving the merge conflict.

Once you have added the resolution to the git staging area via git add <file> a git rebase --continue will make the commit for you using the original commit message.

NOTE the commit hash will change! So when you go to merge this into another branch that has commits that you altered in your branch you will have issues merging those branches together.

NOTE I said you do not need to git commit after resolving a git rebase conflict, but you can if you want to.

It may be useful to split files from one commit into a series of individual commits if it makes more sense. Usually you just want to resolve the conflict though. As is shown here: Break a previous commit into multiple commits.