Is BDD really applicable at the UI layer?

I'm new to BDD myself, but I found the cuke4ninja site to help in this regard. What they suggest (my interpretation) is you have your step definitions which are high level and UI agnostic, that calls into a "workflow" class which groups the details like "click this button", "populate this field" into a method that captures the workflow under test, which calls into a "screen driver" class that handles the UI automation for that particular screen. That way all the UI automation code is abstracted away from the step definitions and are in a single location, and if the UI change, you just have to change the code in the "screen driver" instead of all multiple tests. Here is the relevant page where it is discussed.

What does the BDD is describing?

In teams following a Behaviour Driven Development (BDD), the Acceptance Criteria (aka Rules) should describe "what the system does" instead of "how the system does it".

So, where are the UI/UX details are captured in a team which is following BDD?

In teams using BDD, The User Interface (UI) and User Experience (UX) (buttons, clicks, animations, etc) layer details should not be included as an Acceptance Criteria (aka Rules) in text format, under a ticket (e.g. issued with a Software Ticketing Tool such as JIRA, GitLab, etc). Instead they should be included within the design screens (wireframes, user journey, individual screens etc). For example, text notes may be embedded on the design screens with annotations, or just as comments next to the screens.

Most people who use automated BDD tools use it at the UI layer. I've seen a few teams take it to the next layer down - the controller or presenter layer - because their UI changes too frequently. One team automated from the UI on their customer-facing site and from the controller on the admin site, since if something was broken they could easily fix it.

Mostly BDD is designed to help you have clear, unambiguous conversations with your stakeholders (or to help you discover the places where ambiguity still exists!) and carry the language into the code. The conversations are much more important than the tools.

If you use the language that the business use when writing your steps, and keep them at a high level as Dan suggests, they should be far less brittle and more easily maintainable. These scenarios aren't really tests; they're examples of how you're going to use the system, which you can use in conversation, and which give you tests as a nice by-product. Having the conversations around the examples is more important than the automation, whichever level you do it at.

I'd say, if your UI is stable, give automation a try, and if it doesn't work for you, either drop to a lower level or ensure you've got sufficient manual testing. If you're testing aesthetics anyway that will help (and never, ever use automation to test aesthetics!) If your UI is not stable, don't automate it - you're just adding commitment to something that you know is probably going to change, and automation in that case will make it harder.


