Is a fully qualified class name down to global scope ever required for out-of-line member function definitions?

A using-directive can cause Fully to be ambiguous without qualification.

namespace Foo {
    struct X {

using namespace Foo;
struct X {
    void c();

void X::c() { } // ambiguous
void ::X::c() { } // OK

It's necessary if one is a masochist and enjoys writing stuff like this

namespace foo {
    namespace foo {
        struct bar {
            void baz();

   struct bar {
       void baz();

   void foo::bar::baz() {

   void (::foo::bar::baz)() {

One can of course write the second overload as foo::foo::bar::baz in global scope, but the question was whether or not the two declarations can have a different meaning. I wouldn't recommend writing such code.

If a using directive is used then there can be a confusing code.

Consider the following demonstrative program

#include <iostream>
#include <string>

namespace N1
    struct A
        void f() const;

using namespace N1;

void A::f() const { std::cout << "N1::f()\n"; }

struct A
    void f() const;

void ::A::f() const { std::cout << "::f()\n"; }

int main() 

    return 0;

So for readability this qualified name

void ::A::f() const { std::cout << "::f()\n"; }

shows precisely where the function is declared.