Is a binary JSON javascript library available for browsers?

This might be incomplete but the goal of the project line up with what you want: It doesn't look like that encodes directly to typed arrays which would be the most useful for sending over WebSocket.

For what it's worth, it appears that the MongoDB team now have a supported Javascript BSON project:

I'm no expert with the library, but the project claims to work in both Node and the browser. Below is a modified sample from their site:

  <!-- Originally -->
  <!-- But downloaded and hosted locally -->
  <script src="./bson.js"></script>
<body onload="start();">
  function start() {
    var BSON = bson().BSON;
    var Long = bson().Long;

    var doc = {
      oid: bson().ObjectID(),
      long: Long.fromNumber(100),
      date: new Date(),
      string: "js-bson sample",
      obj: { 
        string: "Object within an object"
    console.log("doc %o", doc);

    // Serialize a document
    var data = BSON.serialize(doc, false, true, false);
    console.log("data %o", data);

    // De serialize it again
    var doc_2 = BSON.deserialize(data);
    console.log("doc_2 %o", doc_2);

Below are my results in Chrome:

enter image description here