ipython3 does not work in the terminal with python3.7

UPDATE Please update your installed packages. This error for pexpect has been reported and closed already issue

In Python 3.7, async and await are now reserved keywords. This is what is breaking some of your installed packages.

If you do not need the new features in 3.7, roll back to 3.6 and wait until your packages are updated to support the new syntax in 3.7

What's New in Python 3.7

async is a reserved keyword in python3.7 and an old version of pexpect is using async as variable. The solution is to upgrade pexpect.

For me, it was conflicting with apt-get installed python3, so I had to first uninstall it/them:

sudo apt-get remove python-pexpect python3-pexpect

And then

sudo pip3.7 install --upgrade pexpect