iptables - Target to route packet to specific interface?

Solution 1:

I've recently hit a similar issue, albeit a slightly different. I wanted to route only TCP port 25 (SMTP) over an OpenVPN tap0 interface, while routing all other traffic (even for the same host) over the default interface.

To do so, I had to mark packets and set up rules for handling it. First, add a rule that make the kernel route packets marked with 2 through table 3 (explained later):

ip rule add fwmark 2 table 3

You could have added a symbolic name to /etc/iproute2/rt_tables, but I did not bother to do so. The number 2 and 3 are randomly chosen. In fact, these can be the same but for clarity I did not do it in this example (although I do it in my own setup).

Add a route for redirecting traffic over a different interface, assuming the gateway being

ip route add default via table 3

Very important! Flush your routing cache, otherwise you will not get a response back and sit with your hands in your hair for some hours:

ip route flush cache

Now, set a firewall rule for marking designated packets:

iptables -t mangle -A OUTPUT -p tcp --dport 465 -j MARK --set-mark 2

The above rule applies only if the packets come from the local machine. See http://inai.de/images/nf-packet-flow.png. Adjust it to your requirements. For instance, if you only want to route outgoing HTTP traffic over the tap0 interface, change 465 to 80.

To prevent the packets sent over tap0 getting your LAN address as source IP, use the following rule to change it to your interface address (assuming as IP address for interface tap0):

iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o tap0 -j SNAT --to-source

Finally, relax the reverse path source validation. Some suggest you to set it to 0, but 2 seems a better choice according to https://www.kernel.org/doc/Documentation/networking/ip-sysctl.txt. If you skip this, you will receive packets (this can be confirmed using tcpdump -i tap0 -n), but packets do not get accepted. The command to change the setting so packets get accepted:

sysctl -w net.ipv4.conf.tap0.rp_filter=2

Solution 2:

I solved this. The issue was with the routing rules in table 11. Table 11 was getting hit, but the routing rules make it inoperable. This script is what I now use, and it seems to work well (although it's obviously specific to my setup). Also, I created a new table 21 devoted to the main uplink (eth1).

# Add relevant iptables entries.
iptables -t mangle -A OUTPUT -m owner --uid-owner 1002 -j MARK --set-mark 11
iptables -t nat -A POSTROUTING -o tun0 -j MASQUERADE

ip route flush table main
ip route flush table 11
ip route flush table 21
ip rule flush

# Restore the basic rules and add our own.
ip rule add lookup default priority 32767
ip rule add lookup main priority 32766
ip rule add fwmark 11 priority 1000 table 11
# This next rule basically sends all other traffic down eth1.
ip rule add priority 2000 table 21

# Restore the main table.  I flushed it because OpenVPN does weird things to it.
ip route add via dev lo
ip route add dev eth1 src
ip route add default via

# Set up table 21.  This sends all traffic to eth1.
ip route add dev eth1 table 21
ip route add default via dev eth1 table 21

# Set up table 11.  I honestly don't know why 'default' won't work, or
# why the second line here is needed.  But it works this way.
ip route add dev tun0 table 11
ip route add via dev tun0 table 11
ip route add via dev tun0 table 11

ip route flush cache

## MeanderingCode edit (because I can't comment, yet)

Thanks for this answer! It seems as though this could get messy, as you would have to maintain route info here (possibly duplicating, or breaking other things which may want to set routes.

You may be experiencing "weird things" in your routing table from OpenVPN because the server is configured to "push" routes, enabling all traffic to route through the VPN network interface, rather than the "bare" internet. Or your OpenVPN config or whatever script/application sets it up is setting routes.

In the former case, you can edit your OpenVPN configuration and put in a line containing "route-nopull"
In the latter, check configuration for OpenVPN or any wrapper (network-manager-openvpn, for example on many current linux desktop distros)
In either case, eliminating the routing configuration where it's getting set is cleaner and safer than flushing the table, depending on when you run this script and what else your system is doing.


Solution 3:

I think you want:

/sbin/ip route add default via dev tun0 table 11
/sbin/ip rule add priority 10000 fwmark 11 table 11


But I haven't tested the above.