IP to Country console command

This trick is even nicer and doesn't require any external packages:

curl ipinfo.io/

The command is the easy part, the difficult part is having access to a database.

For example, Ubuntu has a free database with a command line query tool (geoiplookup) in the geoip-bin Install geoip-bin

package. But it only shows country information, and uses a static (hence out-of-date) database. This tool can also query the [MaxMind][5] GeoIP database, if you have a subscription there.

There are various GeoIP databases that you can look up. They're generally meant to be viewed through a web browser, but you can look for a scraping script. For example, here's a ruby script to retrieve data from the MaxMind database. Note that scraping may be against the database's terms of service.

Here's another great option. Instructions here: http://kbeezie.com/geoiplookup-command-line/

For example, on Centos:

$ sudo yum install GeoIP GeoIP-data
$ geoiplookup

Works perfectly.

And of course, you can always set this up as a cron:

$ /usr/bin/geoipupdate